Dakota Energy Cooperative is adjusting rates due to power costs to the Cooperative and its members. Basin Electric, WAPA, and East River Electric have now all approved rate increases for their 2025 budgets. In turn, the Dakota Energy Board of Directors approved a rate increase and the 2025 budget at the November board meeting. For Dakota Energy to sustain operations and meet financial obligations, an average rate increase of 12% will be applied throughout all classes. As a not-for-profit cooperative, we strive every day to hold down costs while still providing the safe and reliable service you expect. However, wholesale power costs are Dakota Energy’s single largest expense and represent about 72 cents of every dollar on your electric bill every month.

For example, a residential member taking advantage of the heat rate, and using an average of 1,500 kWh currently has a total cost is $170.25. With the new rate, the total cost for that heat rate member comes to $187.80, which is an increase of $17.55 or 10.30%. For residential members not on the heat rate, and using the average of 1,500 kWh, the current cost is $187.50. With the new rate the total cost comes to $210.00, which is an increase of $22.50 or 12.00%. 

The rate increase will go into effect on January 1, 2025. Adjusting rates help us manage power cost fairly, making sure we have the resources to serve every member. Our goal continues to be to operate as safely, reliably, and efficiently as possible to provide you with the best value for your energy needs.

 You can see a complete list of new rates here.
To remain flexible, Dakota Energy offers a variety of payment options; members can choose one that works best for their budget. Budget Billing helps avoid bill fluctuations by calculating an average of the previous 12 months' usage into an even monthly payment. SmartHub – Pay Now – Automatic Bill Payment – Pay by Phone are great electronic payment options, too. More information is available here. You may also stop in the office and drop off your payment at the counter or in the convenient drop box.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and support. Feel free to give us a call with any questions or concerns.