Dakota Energy Cooperative is a true cooperative. It is a private, non-profit electric utility owned by the members it serves. Our membership covers a range of residential, farm, business, commercial, and industrial consumers in Beadle, Hand and Hyde counties, as well as portions of other counties. Your participation is vital to the cooperative’s continued success. It’s the leadership you elect – your Board of Directors – that guides the operation of the cooperative and sets policies that put people first. The members ultimately control the cooperative – people working for people.
Our source of electric power is through its ownership in East River Electric Power Cooperative. Dakota Energy Cooperative also shares in the ownership and control of Basin Electric Power Cooperative, a cooperative that owns and operates a number of large electric power generating units. Major sources of electric energy for Basin Electric include the Antelope Valley, Laramie River, and Leland Olds Generating Stations. Dakota Energy Cooperative also obtains a portion of its energy requirements from the Western Area Power Administration, a federal agency that owns and operates the hydroelectric power plants in eleven states.
Our Mission Statement
Service for your way of life.
Our Values
Promote the cooperative business model
Promote public safety
Provide a safe and healthy work environment
Conduct cooperative business in the best interest of the membership
Our Bylaws
Dakota Energy Cooperative Bylaws
Our Articles of Incorporation